(580) 699-2729

Business Announcement

Business Announcement

Dec 3, 2021 | Business Announcements

A message from Angel Melvin, Owner/CEO

Big Changes!

Covid has changed the way people do business – EVERY business! That includes us. Before Covid, we were able to have clients and friends in our office all the time. Since March 2020, we have mostly shut down the office to the public to protect our team members and their families. 

We had just moved into this new, beautiful space, and we weren’t able to utilize it to its full extent. We have hoped that by now, things would go back to normal. 

A new normal

We’ve all heard the phrase “a new normal,” otherwise referred to as “after Covid” or “post-pandemic.” We can’t even say that we are actually past the pandemic to begin with, thus our ways of doing business have not changed much since the beginning of it all. 

What does that look like? 

Our daily lives have shifted to work on digital platforms more than ever. Our business model has always been based on digital work, meaning that we perform 99% of what we do on some form of an online platform. Our creative work is done on computers, our content managers use computers to create their work, and all team-internal interactions happen online. Pre-Covid, some of our clients struggled to utilize platforms like Zoom or Google Meet, but since the upkick of the pandemic, most individuals have experienced a “virtual meeting” in some form. Almost ALL meetings that our team schedules these days happen virtually, and our clients have adjusted to this and have realized that we are just as productive online as we are in person. 

This has become incredibly practical when earlier this year, I, Angel, moved to Norman, OK, where part of my team already resided. I have been commuting to Lawton twice a week to meet with the team and to participate in community events. 

This year, we have also experienced some personnel changes, and the majority of our new team members live in remote locations as well. Maxann, Nicole, Katy and Elle have moved on and are no longer working with Light Alive. But we were thrilled to welcome Kaitlyn (Marketing Specialist), Amanda and Mikaela (Social Media Coordinators), and Tonia (Graphic Designer), as well as Alicia, an additional web developer. Most of our new team members live in remote locations and joined the commuting crew! 

So what’s the big change? 

Up until now, we were manning our Lawton office location. It has however become more obvious to us that we can focus on our work, be just as productive, and really save us some time to take care of our clients if we are not traveling to the office as much but working hard from our home office locations. 

Therefore we have made the decision to reduce our Lawton location to still be our physical address, but we are not going to occupy our office space anymore. We appreciate the time we got to spend in our physical office with the wonderful crew of One Degree Collaboration and our landlord Meegan Kriley-Mackay! They have been incredibly supportive and we will continue to be part of the One Degree – remote-crew! 

As of December 1, 2021, we are working remotely for good!

What changes for our clients?


We will continue to provide the same services the same way as before. The ONLY change is that in-person meetings will need to be coordinated, but we have options of using office spaces for meetings, come to our clients’ offices, or meet at one of the wonderful local coffee shops – whatever you prefer! The vast majority of meetings will continue to take place virtually, as they have for the past 20-something months.

Will you still see us in Lawton?

Yes, Lawton is still “home” to us. About half our team still lives near Lawton and many of our clients do too. You will still see us out and about at events that impact this community and our clients that we love! 

What if I need an appointment?

If you need to schedule a meeting, you may use any of the following contact options listed below and we will arrange either a virtual meeting OR, if we need to meet in person, we will make arrangements for a meeting location.

How can I reach you moving forward?

Our contact information remains the same. We still have our Lawton mailing address and we will answer our phones from remote locations! 

Light Alive Marketing 

1011 SW B Ave. Suite 160

Lawton, OK 73501

(580) 699-2729

You may also reach us by emailing contact@lightalive.marketing or our individual emails.

On behalf of our team, we wish you a happy and healthy holiday season, and we look forward to working with you in 2022! 

