Case Study – 1 Degree Collaboration
1 Degree Collaboration is a veteran-owned business in Lawton, Oklahoma helping business owners receive the tools and resources to thrive. 1 Degree Collaboration connects people with resources, and networks through workshops, events, and office space for start up businesses.
Our Founder and CEO, Angel, is a StoryBrand Certified Guide, which means that she has been trained by Donald Miller and his team, and is certified in using the StoryBrand concept to develop marketing materials.
1 Degree Collaboration came to us as a mere vision, before the business was even established. We were eager to take on the task of working with a local, small business in order to reach its goals.

We meet our clients where they are in their business journey. Here is where we started with this client.
After the first step of deciding on a logo and its branding, we hit the ground running with the rest. From content to design, we created a beautiful and functional website that was easy for customers to navigate through on their desktop or mobile devices. We implemented a marketing strategy that included social media management and email marketing that targeted potential customers, maximized results, and proved to be an overall success.
Our clients want to see results and we love to deliver! Check out the way we’ve helped our clients grow.
In less than a year, we grew their Facebook page to almost 600 followers and had over 500 newsletter subscribers.