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The Story of Light Alive: How Marketing Changed Everything

The Story of Light Alive: How Marketing Changed Everything

Nov 5, 2018 | About Light Alive, Marketing

As a kid growing up in Germany, Angel Melvin never would have dreamed that she would be where she is today. She went through all the normal milestones in life. She graduated from high school and married her husband, Steven, a U.S. soldier at the time. Angel and Steven had two children, and Angel received her degree in Early Childhood Education.


New beginnings

The Melvin family eventually moved to the United States. After her children were old enough to start school, Angel decided to now pursue her career. She was discouraged by learning that she would have to study and receive a bachelor’s degree all over again to be able to teach in the U.S. She decided she did not want to study the same material twice and began pondering other career paths.

From the time she was a child, Angel had a passion for designing and creating things. Internet usage had really picked up while she was a stay at home mom with two young children. She became very interested in learning how to use HTML code to create new things. She found it fascinating to take pieces of code and try to discover how to manipulate them to produce different colors, images and other elements. “I just thought if someone else could use this to design a website, I could too, “ Angel said. She eventually became serious about teaching herself how to do web and graphic design. Angel then decided to attend Cameron University to pursue a degree in Multimedia Design.  


A passion becomes a career

Before she even began her studies, Angel had already started completing design projects for others. She began small, accepting projects just to get the experience. Soon, she had several clients and was making a living before she had even graduated. In 2012, Angel decided to officially begin her business under the name Angelic Designs. Over the next two years, Angel discovered that there were many other businesses by the same name. In 2015, the same year Angel completed her Multimedia Design degree,  the company became known as Light Alive Designs & Marketing.

Angel had accomplished more upon completing college than many individuals a decade or more into their career.  She was already managing a successful business with enough clients and projects to work full-time. Within two years, it became evident to Angel that she would need to hire someone else to assist with the workload. From 2017 to 2018, the company grew from just Angel to a team of six.


The business grows

“When it was just me, I hadn’t taken the time to market my own business,” Angel admitted. “I hired my first employee, Melanie, and then I finally had time to go out and invest in my own marketing. Things just snowballed. I think our story is a great testimony to how powerful marketing really is. The business was steadily growing, but it really took off after I made the financial investment and time to do some marketing. Saying it increased sevenfold does not even adequately capture how great of an effect it has had. I really encourage other business owners, even if they are a one-person operation, to invest just a little bit into marketing. You don’t have to start out spending thousands and thousands of dollars, but that investment can truly make your business.”

The rest as they say is “history”. What started as one person’s passion has grown into a team of people equally passionate about making a difference in the lives of the business owners we meet. Whether you are a large company or a single person with nothing more than an idea, we would love to help you discover the difference marketing can make in your business!

