By Tonia Marie, Multimedia Designer Branding should be an essential component for your marketing strategy. With a successful branding strategy, your audience will know your brand, company, social media, and your website. Whether it’s a post on social media, a...
social media
Benefits of Social Media for your Business
By Kaitlyn Keeler, Marketing Specialist Is your business utilizing social media? Even if you don’t personally enjoy being on social media, it's incredibly important that your business has a social media presence. From a social media specialist's perspective, it...
What Dr. Death Taught me about Marketing
By Heather Murr, Project Manager If you have ever had a conversation with me outside of business, you might know that it doesn’t take me long to venture into true crime topics. I am a huge fan. I try not to let my conversations go there too quickly because I...
Light Alive Spotlight: Laura Sellers
By: Laura Sellers, Content Coordinator Hello! My name is Laura Sellers and I am the new Content Coordinator at Light Alive Marketing. This team has welcomed me with open arms and I cannot wait to see what my future holds. Whether it is writing social media posts or...
What Do Users Expect When Visiting a Website?
By: Melanie Barfield, Creative Director 1. Easy Navigation Most users expect to be able to quickly and efficiently find the content they want when visiting a website. Easy navigation can help users do exactly that. A big factor in creating easy navigation is having a...
Keeping it Local: A Guide to SEO for Local Businesses
By Heather Murr, Project Manager Recently a company reached out to work with us that provides a very specific service, and they are coming to Oklahoma to do some work for one of the surrounding small cities in our area. My first thought was I wonder why that city...
About that turnover…
By Angel Melvin A note from one business owner to another about experiencing business turnover... Our business has never experienced much of a turnover - until recently! In the past 6 months, we have had more people come and go than in the past 5 years before that....
The Purpose of Your Website and Why It’s Important
In today’s age, everyone is searching online for products and services and if customers aren’t finding your business, you are missing out on a huge opportunity. A business’ online presence is crucial to its success, whether you are a small or more established...
How Light Alive Marketing Came to it’s Name
By Kaitlyn Keeler Some of you may be wondering, what does Light Alive mean? What is the meaning behind their business? Well, here’s the full story and of how Light Alive Marketing came to its name and it’s meaning. Freelancing Days When Angel first started Light...
Light Alive Spotlight Tonia Marie
Hi, my name is Tonia Marie, and I am a graphic and multimedia designer at Light Alive Marketing. My daily tasks include creating media graphics and print designs for our clients that range anywhere from social media designs to billboards! I also help out the team with...